Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mario Kart Has Windmills

We're in Edmonton at the moment, making various pre-wedding preparations. It's also a chance to spend time with Timothy (he's my best man, by the way :).

We recently purchased a copy of Mario Kart for the Wii and brought it with us. He's enjoyed driving games in the past and we wanted to see if he would enjoy this one. Turns out that he can drive reasonably well until one specific point in the track. The point with a windmill...

Timothy has a fascination with things that spin, and immediately spotted this windmill off the side of the Moo Moo Meadows track. He refuses to drive past, and keeps turning his kart around to look at it. The plus side to this? It reinforces how the controls work as he cannot find the windmill without correct steering. :)

We also brought Excite Truck, another driving game. It's a lot faster than Mario Kart, and Timothy has a lot more accidents (eg. crashing into trees, falling off cliffs, etc). He's been laughing as he plays this one simply because of the animations as his truck crashes into things, flies through the air, or sinks beneath the water. We'll try with both of these games tomorrow. :)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Winter Is Over

Vancouver's winter is finally over, and I finally feel like blogging again.

First off, Emily has been doing some awesome work on the wedding front. Most of the Canadian invites have been made, and we now need to start on the Australia invites. We've also started a new blog to document the wedding details. The address is, and it should have a bit more content by the time the invites arrive in mailboxes. We may end up reusing that blog for "family" stuff too, especially once we have kids and such. No, there's no children on the way yet, but there certainly will be eventually. :)

Emily's Grandma (Mak side of the family) has been visiting Vancouver for almost 3 weeks now. She's here to see the cherry blossoms and enjoy our weather. As I type this blog, she's frying up dinner in the kitchen - probably onions because my eyes are watering.

The three of us have been living at my apartment and it's been surprisingly good fun. Emily and I have learned how to play Mah Jongg (just the basics, not the complicated scoring mechanism), and we play it every few nights.

We've also rearranged my apartment in preparation for when Emily eventually moves in. The living area is now almost entirely open space, with just some vertical glass shelving on the walls, and a sofa/futon in one corner. We've hosted a couple of "small group" sessions here. That was the first really large gathering at my apartment since... well... ever. I'm not sure how to feel about that... :)

Anyway, sounds like dinner is almost ready. I need to wake Emily and see what I can help with.