Monday, February 06, 2006

Transportation Ideas

I'm starting to realise that a scooter would not be a good idea in Vancouver. With weather like 'freezing rain', 'snow with rain' and '20 consecutive days of rain' an open-air vehicle is not a good idea.

Not to mention that in the past 24 hours on my bicycle I've swallowed two bugs, splashed myself with a discarded McDonalds lemonade by running over it (making my brakes ineffective and sound like a malfunctioning klaxon), and misjudged the path of a police car on a round-a-bout (I swear his right indicator was not on). Perhaps I'll take up roller-blading in Canada. Something fun on those odd sunny days.

You know they say that Vancouver has some of the nicest weather in all of Canada?


Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, I don't tan. And yes, you can get a sunburn in the winter... Snow reflects.

I believe it's Victoria that has the nicest weather... BUUUUUT if you wanted sunshine, it's called *SUNNY* Alberta for a reason.. gets the most sunshine! Strap on a pair of blades (hopefully when the temperature is above 0.. but doesn't have to be) and go! Awesome fun. :)

My outdoor ed class taught me the joys of snowshoing. Never learned what these joys were, but I did snowshoe! Across a lake!! On a super windy day!! I got blown over!! (literally. My feet were implanted in snow, i fell over sideways)

I knew a biker (push-bike as you oddly call it ;) jk) and basically put on layers, put on a rain jacket, and you *should* be fine.

Personally, I do think that Vancouver has good public transport. But I can't really say much as we have the *worst* transit system in Canada (most likely.)

Or be like the rest of us gas guzzling north americans and splurge on a car. Though watch out for those gas prices!

My all time favorite: GOLF CARTS! I would one day love to just jack one and drive around the city. There's a cover.. rain or shine.. nice little bit of protection.. It's awesome!

All just ideas :) Yes, your blog has become my blog... ;)

Anonymous said...

Last comment I forgot to add earlier. Vancouver actually has no mosquitos from what I heard! That's gotta be a positive!