Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mobile Worker

Hi all. I've stopped moving for a few minutes, and have time to post here. It's 10am Sunday morning at the moment - spent the last few days shopping and just learning about stuff. So much to write - just don't know where to start.

Have got myself a mobile phone now. They have an interesting charging system here, that works almost like a "mobile home phone". If I'm in Vancouver:

  • I call locally - airtime
  • I call long-distance - airtime + 20c/min
  • I am called - airtime

If I'm outside Vancouver:

  • I call locally - airtime + 20c/min
  • I call long-distance - airtime + 20c/min (I think...)
  • I am called - airtime + 20c/min

So airtime is like "line rental, charged per minute", and you get a certain allowance per month. They will then charge you extra if you call someone who is long-distance from Vancouver, or are called when you are long-distance from your home area (Vancouver).

Anyway, signed up for a 2 year contract with Fido. Even if I don't last here for that long, there's a $200 fee for breaking contract, and the phone would have cost that anyway. :)

P.S. I'll post photos of this place once I get a bit more set up. Maybe later today.


Anonymous said...


Glad to see you made it and your priorities are still technology first!!

Beware the telcos they have much fine print and as you aging father says "The large print giveth and the small print taketh away"

By the way please be homoured - this is the first blog I have ever responded too.

Have fun

Aunty Terry

harves said...

I certainly am honoured to have Aunty Terry responding. :)