Friday, June 16, 2006

Canadian Eh?

How'd they name Canada? They pulled letters out of a hat! "C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?"

Canadians have this thing about 'eh'. It is the part of Canadian language that really sets them apart. "So you liked the food, eh?". "Nice food, eh." It's almost as bad as the Cantonese "la".

However, if you come here you won't notice a lot of difference between Canadians and Australians. You won't notice this "eh" very much at all. That's because they're the only people in the world who spell "ay" as "eh". The great Canadian "eh" is actually the lazy form of "hey". "So you liked the food, hey?". "Nice food, hey." They dropped the 'y' and then reversed it.

Finally the joke makes sense.


Anonymous said...

Queenslanders say eh at the end of most sentences too. Auntie Karen sas it all the time. So they are not so different from some Australians.

Anonymous said...

Yea. Noticed we say 'eh' a lot.. didn't notice until my american friend pointed it out.. then I seemed to just make a point of adding it to my sentences. "Back, eh?". If you consider that comment, it's kinda retarded. If they weren't back, it probably wouldn't be said... Love what my mom and grandma say to me when I get home: "You're home?" Me: "No."