Friday, September 22, 2006

Quick Update

A little over halfway through my trip now. Have been doing a lot of stuff, and a lot of travelling. In later posts I'll describe snorkelling in Cairns, the Aboriginal dance show, and just life in Cairns.

I'm in Sydney now and going to have dinner with (part of) my family. Not very hungry as Qantas stuffed me with food (lunch, drink, and a mini-Magnum ice cream). My parents flew Virgin Blue to get here and didn't get pampered anywhere nearly as much.

Unfortunately my brother was called in to work this weekend at the last minute, so I won't get to see him this trip. That honestly really sucks, but very much not his fault. On a related note, I think cars need an extra horn on the top for when the driver is frustrated with life but not the people around them.

P.S. Expect my punctuation to get better, if not my grammar. My parents bought me Eats, Shoots & Leaves as a present. :D


Anonymous said...

Where do you live when you're in Sydney? I'm on night shift as usual as always. My mobile no. is still the same

harves said...

On Oxford Street in a holiday apartment thing with my parents (rented for 3 nights). Very close to Museum I think. Phone number is also the same (0407133683). Will be back in Sydney on Sunday afternoon, and will be available Monday morning. Going to airport around noon on Monday.