Sunday, March 18, 2007


So, I got back from Hawaii about 5 days ago. I think I need another vacation. :)

First I want to say how amazingly beautiful Hawaii is. That's saying something coming from an Australian (we tend to be unimpressed by the world's beaches and such when we have so many of our own). I was travelling with some Canadians, and we had the most perfect and stable weather we've ever seen. 27c was the high, every day, guaranteed. It was only on our last day that we had some rain, and even that passed over quickly, never interrupting travel plans.

I'll spend the next week or so posting little summaries of each island. Right now I can't remember how many we visited, but it was about 5. I'll post slowly.

P.S. I had a few medical problems in Hawaii. No doubt my parents are nodding their heads saying "yeah, sounds like Peter, spending 5 days in traction during our Queensland holiday", etc. I'll keep myself amused by recalling what new problems I had on each island. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely Hawaii pics. I would click on the "Report inappropriate content" button because your pictures incite ENVY!