Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

Yep, I got up at 2am and walked down to English Bay to see the red moon. I was actually surprised at how few other people were out to see it. I guess a lot of people in the city could actually see it from their balconies. Or were just too warm and cosy in bed. :) In any case, I got to see it clearly from the beach, and snapped some photos as it happened.

Shooting a lunar eclipse gives you plenty of practise in low-light photography. The middle one is a 4 second exposure, maximum zoom, f8.0 aperture, ISO50 film. Those settings were chosen to maximise image quality (the moon was a tiny little blurred speck even when at maximum zoom).


Anonymous said...

Nature is so awesome! Had I known about the lunar eclipse, I would have gone out to look.

Anonymous said...

I tried for some photos myself.. but did not get anything close to yours. Wow.