Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Heat Is On

Weather is getting warmer here, but that's not what I'm referring to. My thesis is behind schedule, and I've been gently 'nudged' by my employers. I've been spending my evenings working on projects from work, and while I think they enjoy that, they know that my thesis needs to get done. So from now on, I only work 9-5 and I work on thesis from 7-11.

Mind you, I have conferences in Victoria and Quebec coming up. And I just had a workshop in Quebec this past weekend (which is why I wasn't communicating with anyone). So I'm not sure when I'm going to find time for this...


Anonymous said...

Thought your employers were going to give you time for your thesis? Might need to remind them.

Anonymous said...

Keep going at it. You'll get it done. Would say "Add Gas" but that sounds kinda bad. "Add Oil" works well too. Have faith that you'll get it done once you put your mind to it and set a schedule. Remember, you have a lot of people cheering you on. As I was always taught when I ran, don't finish races by slowing down, run through the finish line.

Anonymous said...

*cheer* *cheer*