Monday, October 30, 2006


It's Halloween tomorrow night, and if I remember rightly "Trick or Treat" is basically blackmail: either give the kids some treats or they will play a trick on you. Now, is it fair to reverse that? I was thinking of putting Vegemite on the bottom of some chocolates or something.

Seems fair to me. :D


Anonymous said...

Love it!!

I'm proud of you. And I'll bet Auntie Terry is too.

Anonymous said...

Caution: Be prepared for screaming headlines from South Canada stating "Foreigner Force Feeds Folate To Five Year Olds"

Anonymous said...

If you want trick, you can really trick. Story about an ex-math teacher:
He didn't like "kids" who were too old to trick-or-treat. By "kids" he means the 17-20 year olds who go without dressing up and ask for candy. So anyways, before halloween, the teacher would shape his dog's poo into hershey kisses. On halloween the teacher would have two bowls. 1 of normal candy, and 1 of hersheys kisses mixed with the "bombs". If there was a person who he considered too "old", they would get candy from the hershey's bowl, and everyone else would get the normal candy. True story or not? Probably true, the teacher was nasty. :)
On a side note, Canada is identified as 5 parts: west, central, ottawa/toronto (canada's capital/largest municipality in canada), east, north. Southern Canada reminds most people of the border with the USA :) Vancouver is "Western Canada"

Anonymous said...

Sorry, warped humour about 'South Canada'. Personally I wouldn't want to own it either.
Re the Vegemite ban read:,23739,20620744-953,00.html

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the link - blogger doesn't seem to handle long sentences.
Just google for "vegemite banned"