Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm Baking

... prepackaged chicken. With some carrots. But at least I'm baking, and eating healthier food.

All of this is only notable because the oven was emitting smoke when turned on a few days ago, leading me to believe I could never cook again. In that great Australian tradition of "it'll be right mate!" I just left the oven alone for a few days, let it collect its thoughts, deal with its issues, etc, and it worked fine today. :)


Anonymous said...

The smoke was probably dust accumulated through lack of use. Bake more often and it won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

Get a cook. Those things can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Anonymous said...

I agree, cooks can be dangerous in the wrong hands. :D

Anonymous said...

It looks like as if your oven actually has a mind on its own.....
Should draw up a peace deal while you can :P