Friday, October 20, 2006

New Diet

I've put on far too much weight - I noticed it first when I was 34" around the waist, and now I'm 36.5". That means a new diet, with very little chocolate (except for chocolate skim milk), and basically no soft drink.

I only mention this because I ate the last Mars Bar in my apartment today. I saw it on the desk, sitting in the sun, and decided "What the hell, I'll eat it, thought it's been on my desk in the sun for weeks; it'll have melted over and over". Yet, it had not melted.

Three cheers for weak Canadian sun!


Anonymous said...

What has happened to all the Tim Tams you took back with you?

harves said...

Most have been handed out to various people. A pack of caramels, a pack of dark, and a double-pack of regulars are still in my fridge. I'm waiting for an appropriate moment to hand them out.

Anonymous said...

You must have will power.