Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Years Resolution

I just realised that, without thinking of it, I had established some New Years resolutions for myself. I had been traveling so much I'd hardly realised we'd entered the new year! So here they are:

  • Fix the hunch in my back. I've always had a curve to my upper spine, and let my shoulders slope downwards. Now, on my daily walk to/from work I make sure to hold my shoulders back and up. With some effort I'll rebuild the muscles there. It's already feeling much more comfortable than it used to.
  • Lose some weight. I don't want to hit summer with a belly or flabby butt. Yes, I'm male, but these things still concern me.
  • Cook more food. This doesn't run counter to the previous point. I want to cook more of my meals, and start baking more things. Anzac Biscuits are the next on my list.
  • Be nicer to people. There's a lot more I could do for the people who are really close to me, and some of them I can actually help. I have to do what I can.
  • Start saving for retirement. I have to remember there's no compulsory superannuation here, and I haven't really started saving for retirement yet. I need to pour some money into RRSP (the Canadian's superannuation-like tax-shelter for retirement money). One great thing is I can pour money in there, make a big tax savings, and then potentially use that money for an eventual house purchase! No such plans yet, but I like the flexibility.

There's even more resolutions I've made this year, but I can hardly list them all. I'm just surprised I didn't notice beforehand that I was making all these promises to myself.


Anonymous said...
A site you might be interested in to help with posture,back pain and a lot of other things. I'd love to attend classes but unfortunately there is no one in Muswellbrook able to teach the Alexander techique.

Anonymous said...

Good God, Pete! If you were any nicer to people we'd all get a tummy ache from the overload of sweetness!