Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Settling Down Again

It's been a few weeks since the last visitor left. I think. I haven't had time to look at the calendar in a while, and the weeks just blur past. :| The main thing is that life is settling down into some kind of routine.

Pressure at work has been increasing, but still within sane limits. Others at the office are feeling greater pressure than me, and that sucks. If you're reading this from the office, just know that I'm trying to be less of a pain-in-the-arse. ;)

If you read Emily's blog, you'll already know that she and I have been getting out a lot more. We've been to Video Games Live, a UBC student symphony, and to see Missy Higgins live. We've also got a Disneyworld trip planned for the end of the year.

Now that winter's hit, we're having to spend more time indoors. We just picked up a copy of Settlers of Catan, a rather cool board game similar in principle to Monopoly. You build 'settlements' and slowly gain 'resources' from them. Those resources can be used to build more settlements, or do a variety of other things. It's very fun, though Emily and I are forced to create our own 2-player variant for now.

Emily and I have been attending hot yoga, and there's been some effects already. The good side is that my headache is gone and I feel I have more 'core' strength. I've now got lots of aches in other joints, and pain in my left hip if I stretch it more than 20 degrees outwards. I think a lot of the 'negative' effects are just the revelation of underlying problems, so I'll keep up with the yoga for now.

I'll try to post more often in the future. I have a few things to write about yet. :)

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