Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Woodwick Candles for Timothy

So Timothy loves candles. Like really loves candles. Light a candle and he's happy. The same for campfires, and basically anything that burns. (It seems to run in the family, based on my experience with Emily...). So for Christmas, I bought him a few novel Woodwick Candles off eBay.

Woodwick Candles use a thin piece of wood instead of string as the wick. This results in a unique crackling sound while burning. The marketing claims it sounds like a "real fire". To be honest it sounds like a roaring bonfire.... heard through a mobile phone. Or perhaps a big pile of dry kindling going up. It's loud enough to be heard across a quiet room, but it's missing the deep sound of a real fire.

In any case, I was very happy with it and so was Tim. I'm writing this because he just came in to the room holding the one Woodwick and saying "tick-tock". That is Tim-speak for "candle" - it takes too much effort for him to pronounce "candle" properly. We're encouraging him to vocalise, and so if he asks for something we try to give it to him. And we have more than one Woodwick Candle, but if he knew he'd ask us to light all of them together... then blow them out and ask us to light them again. :)

On the topic of pronunciation... he has no problem with other words like dinosaur, ball, bubble, computer, ketchup, mein mein, and fan fan. "Candle" just seems to be one of the few words that he struggles with.

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