Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Need Some Grease For Bike

Actually, it's not the bike, it's me. I find myself riding in traffic more often than not, simply because it's the quickest way to work. It's also nice to feel part of traffic, rather than "that hoon riding along the pedestrian areas".

The problem is the stress that the starts and stops put on my knees. Blending in with traffic means keeping pace, and that means a lot of force on the pedals - force which pulls my knee apart and I get sudden sharp pains under the patella. I think after a while my muscles around the knee will be back up to strength and I'll be fine, but for now I've just got to take it easy. Or find some knee grease. :)

Update: I think I'll bus or walk to work tomorrow. My knees are now playing up, giving the kind of pain I got today when accelerating hard. Will most likely be bus...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take care of your knees my friend. You only get one set.