Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Back in Canada

Wooo! Back in my own bed. Actually, I've been back for 48 hours now - I just didn't have the time/energy/interest to blog the fact. I got over jetlag sufficiently enough to go to work some 16 hours after landing, but I'm still very tired in the mornings and have some trouble getting to sleep.

Spent some time reading "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" on the plane, so expect my usage of punctuation to improve. Though I'm now wondering if there was meant to be a comma after "plane". Will look it up later.

Thesis is extended until December. That gives me a little bit of breathing space. Not as much as I'd like, but enough. I can take tonight off to sort out all my photos from the trip. Expect more posts in the next few days. :)

P.S. Punctuation will improve, but not overall sentence structure. Half sentences are fun! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*ahem* geek is in which house now?