Friday, September 15, 2006

San Francisco

Hey, I'm in San Francisco. Saw the Golden Gate Bridge (I think) as we flew in. It was night time, but could still make out the shape. I've flown an F/A-18 under it so many times when I was younger, I should recognise it.

Flying here was 'fun'. First, they canceled my flight and changed me to an earlier one - without telling me. I was lucky that I caught an earlier bus to get to the airport, otherwise I would have missed it. When I board I find there's lots of people in my vicinity who had suffered the same and ended up with identical seat assignments. Some had Air Canada tickets, others had United. I changed seats 4 times ("I'm single, I'm easy, I can go anywhere" - yes I said that) until everyone was sitting with their family/girlfriends/boyfriends/etc. In the end, everyone else was packed in tight, and I had 3 seats to myself. Brilliant! :D

Next flight is straight to Sydney. Hope they have good food, because I'm hungry.

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