Saturday, April 21, 2007

Conducting Experiments

The following are the basic steps for conducting thesis experiments:

  1. Write the code for your algorithm (about 1000 lines)
  2. Try a few simple tests (about 200 tests)
  3. Assemble a larger number of tests (about 20000 tests)
  4. Run all those tests (about 2 weeks)
  5. Generate average performance graphs/tables (a few days)
  6. Write your analysis and make some conclusions (about a week)
  7. Verify that your code is correct (about a day)

Hmm, something isn't right.

One of these steps is not like the other.
One of these steps is way out of sequence.
Can you tell me which should be done earlier?
Do you think I'll ever finish this thesis?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry, I'd like to take 'Conducing" for $1000.

I think the answer is:
"6. Write your analysis and make some conclusions (about a week)"

This part of the sequence does not absolutely require a computer, doesn't have to actually be tightly linked to the other steps and can in fact stink so high of methane that it could be used to achieve escape velocity in the right circumstances, and most importantly: Can be done before the other steps are actually completed.