Sunday, April 01, 2007


I've been having weird dreams in the last few weeks. Just a few are:

  • Snorkelling in Hawaii.
  • Sky-diving by walking backwards from a jet plane, while holding a conversation, and noting to myself "try to avoid those jet engines" while falling.
  • Writing a message after the apocalypse, explaining to future civilisations what not to do next time, though I can't remember what it was that we shouldn't be doing.
  • A workmate Dan and his evil twin Stan were giving me problems, and eventually they went into a room and came out as one merged person, proving that you don't have to be strictly good or evil (Dan is not the workmates real name, but that was his name in the dream, go figure).

Seems like there's a new dream each few days. Haven't found any pattern yet, except the occasional focus on "stress".


Anonymous said...

I used to have dreams about not being able to control my classes before I returned to teaching each term. More stressful than actually returning to work!

Now that I'm late into pregnancy I'm having vivid dreams about just about everything. And since I wake up every hour, it's like changing the channel because I start a new dream each time. Last night I dreamt I was eating deep fried scorpians... Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

If Sean is having weird dreams too I think we might need to start family therapy.