Friday, May 04, 2007

Tune Up

I went to see the physio again today. Her opening line was: "Hi Peter! So is this a tune up? Or something more serious?". Luckily it was just a tune-up. My back was slightly out of alignment, as was a bone in my right arm. Nothing worse than I've had, but was a good idea to go the physio. She was rather impressed that I hadn't been in since February - the exercises seem to be working. Though she and I both predict that I'll be back in to see her in a few months.

I mentioned that the because of the pain in my right wrist I had tried immobilising it overnight by wrapping in a towel, a drink coaster, and a one-size-fits-all knee brace. She suggested that I get an actual wrist brace instead and use it while typing and sleeping, which is damn close to 24 hours... As it costs me $65 to go to the physio, and my wrists affect my long-term employment prospects, I figure that getting a good wrist brace is worthwhile. I bought one for $45 and am typing with it now. It certainly immobilises quite nicely the wrist. Now I just need to see if I end up with elbow problems. ;)

I have a related story with a more Canadian aspect. I bought the wrist brace from was a relatively young and chatty female pharmacist. We were talking and started comparing the concept of wrist braces to shoes, in that you should try them on and you don't want to get something that won't do the job. She then commented on how bizarre it is to see some people wearing some shoes like thongs all the way through the winter. Her choice of words sent off alarm bells in my head, so I asked "Are you actually from Canada?". She immediately knew why I asked: "Haha, yeah. We always used to call them thongs when we were kids, but then people started wearing the other type of thong, and suddenly we kids were told to call the things on our feet flip-flops." That explains some things.

Anyway, I'm likely to go back and get another wrist brace for my left hand if this one works out.

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