Sunday, August 19, 2007

Camping in Canada

At the end of our vacation, Emily and I went camping for one night in Elk Falls. I've uploaded photos already, but I need to describe just how different it is from Australian camping.

In Australia, the average campground is:

  • large grassy area
  • perhaps lines and roads marking each numbered campsite
  • a communal barbeque and eating area
  • trees far from tents in case they break/collapse in the wind
  • concrete or brick toilet blocks
  • limited campfires, if any are permitted at all
  • close to the beach, and likely to have a pool
The campground we went to in Canada was:
  • a thick forest of tall pine trees
  • campsites are private cul-de-sacs surrounded by trees
  • benches/tables right next to your tent
  • log cabin washrooms
  • campfires in each campsite
As an Australian, you only see these kinds of campsites in Disney movies! I know that I've always thought to myself "haha! fiction! noone would have a campground like that!". Where would you find sufficient logs to make a toilet out of in Australia? And Australian trees are simultaneously friends (for shade) and enemies (tend to fall in the wind, catch fire easily, and host birds that crap on your tent during the night).

I do miss the beaches and heat of Australia. That's why I'm coming home in December. But if you want a cool, relaxing camping experience, Canada has it.

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