Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Emily picked up a second-hand copy of Elebits for $20 recently. I got to play it a little when I visited Edmonton this Easter. I have to say, it is probably the most fun game I've ever played on the Wii.

The aim of the game is to capture cute, tennis-ball-sized "elebits" that you find roaming your house. You are armed with a "capture gun" that doubles as a long-range object manipulator. Using your gun, you can open fridges, lift couches, turn on TVs etc from a good 10 metres away. The end result, of course, is absolute madness as you throw potplants, books, and kitchen appliances around the room, desperately hunting down "elebits" within a limited timespan.

Perhaps the best part of this game is its accessibility. Emily's mother and brother (Stella and Timothy) both joined in and were having great fun. Timothy sometimes struggles with Wii games because of the Wiimote is very sensitive to small movements, but he was getting very good at pointing and controlling the camera to focus on objects that interest him. Stella was also showing off her Elebit-shooting skills, though she was much more gentle with the environment than Emily. ;)

Anyway, this looks like a fantastic party game, and something to train people in the use of the Wiimote.

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