Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wert Keyboartd

I accidentally knocked a glass of water on to my keyboard yesterday afternoon. The keyboard survived, for a while....

Peter: have a prtoblem wirth my keyboard brtw
Peter: splirt watrert on irt eartliert
Peter: now rt and rt prtoduce borth rt and rt rtogerthert
Peter: grteatr fun
Emily: hahahhaa
Emily: rt rt :)
Emily: :D
Emily: what are you going to do?
Emily: wait don't answer :)
Peter: no idea
Peter: weirtd rthatr irt justr srtartrting being a prtoblem now
Peter: i was coding fort trhe lastr few hourts, no prtoblem
Emily: no kidding :)

Luckily, a night spent drying has fixed it. I have two spare keyboards, but I've taken them both at work so that people with laptops can use them. I don't know what I'd do if I had no keyboard for the weekend. Probably go to work to recover one of my spares. ;)

P.S. I pulled my keyboard apart a little. It's kinda scary just how much head hair gets caught in keyboards...

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