Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Arguing at Work

I've been getting into a lot of discussions/arguments at work recently. Right there's least three 'fronts':

  1. We've released a product and I'm not happy with many aspects of it
  2. We're planning our future internal projects and I'm not convinced of the need for some of them
  3. We're redesigning some core software components and there are many opinions for how they should be implemented

In all these arguments I'm finding that I'm too aggressive. I have an excuse: I've been writing code for most of my life, and I'm never satisfied with poor designs. I know I sound patronising, up-myself, etc, but it's true - I struggle to accept code that's not right. But is this acceptable for a work environment?

I've been struggling to balance this desire for "perfection" with the need for good working relationships. In recent days, I said something to the two people I work closest with, something that applies to everyone:

If I become too much of a pain-in-the-arse to work with, let me know.

It doesn't seem to be all bad though. I said to one workmate, "I know I'm too arrogant"; he replied "No, you're not arrogant, because you're happy to hear criticism of your own work". That is true - I leap at chances to have people criticise my work because I'm never sure that I've been critical enough. I worry that others don't see that at times...

I'm making an effort now to be more 'measured' and 'considered' in my arguing. I'm trying to be more constructive. I'm reflecting on my criticisms, looking for weaknesses in my arguments, and discussing them with less passion. Hope it works.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Been a While...

It's been a while since I posted. There's a few reasons for that. Foremost is that I've been very stressed recently; working at home I'm like Happy Feet, except that I'm not happy and the shoe-tapping is just to relieve stress. Second is that there's not a whole lot to report. I was hoping to make it to the end of my first blogging year with one blog per day, but I'll have to go for one blog per two days.

I'll try to post positive news this week, but nowadays it's just a cold boring grind in many ways. Let's see what I can come up with.

Here's looking forward to when I get to see Australians again.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Heat in the Bedroom

A few nights ago I was cleaning up my bedroom. Clean laundry had been piled on one side of the bed (I don't have a use for most of my bed) for about a month. I figured that a month was long enough and was putting it away... and noticed it was still warm. First thought:

It's retained heat from the dryer awfully well!
Second thought:
It's slowly catching fire from the nearby power point!
I then noticed that a certain spot on my bedroom wall was awfully warm. It seems that something is very hot in the neighbour's bedroom. So hot that it's heating my wall!

Whatever the source of their bedroom heat is, it's quiet and not bothering me. Unlike the neighbours on the other side of the apartment, whose bedroom gets very hot... and very audible...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Not Safe Alone

I probably shouldn't be allowed out of adult supervision. I went to cook soup on the stove, and did the following:

  1. Put the pot of canned soup on the stove
  2. Turned on an element.
  3. Sat back down at the computer until I noticed an odd smell.
  4. Noticed that I turned on the wrong element and some nylon utensils left in a neighbouring pot were about to be boiled.
  5. Turned off the stove and saved the utensils from certain doom.
  6. Turned an element on.
  7. Sat back down at the computer until I noticed an odd smell.
  8. Noticed that I turned on the wrong element and the other pot was starting to steam again.
  9. Turned off the stove and studied the diagrams for a minute.
  10. Turned an element on.

Later that night I had some soup, with toast. Don't ask about the toast.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Very Cool

I woke up this morning to find snow on the ground and snow in the air. It's snowing! Again!

I have to admit, it's fun to walk to work when you're bundled up like the Michelin Man. For a start, it won't hurt so much if you fall over (nb. this has not been tested). Your clothes are so thick you can't feel much at all.

I don't recommend playing in the snow with fabric gloves though, as it melts and then refreezes with consequences for your hands (nb. this has been tested). But blowing snow into little spirals as it falls is good fun, as is watching the snow bounce off your clothes. Snow is much more fun than rain.

Walking to work today has to be one of my coolest experiences so far. :)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Thesis Progress

In the last few months I haven't got much done on my thesis. I've been putting in hours where I can, trying to fix up my algorithm so that it works and (importantly) I can explain it. It's been a struggle to stay motivated, but I had a chat tonight with someone that went something like this:

Me: I've finished changing it. Hopefully it runs faster now.
Them: Yep, hopefully; that is why you changed it.

It's interesting to be reminded that I'm doing all this for a reason. Not to get my PhD - that's just a side effect. It's because I want to be the one to develop this algorithm. It's nice to be able to look at your work and say again "I want to be working on this; it's my effort and I will get results". It helps to think that.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I bought some Christmas lights for my apartment, but I wasn't actually here over Christmas. I set them up on the front window, and then had to pull them down without getting as much use as I wanted. On the bright side (no pun intended) I can now have a multicoloured apartment, and get good use from all that glass-top furniture. It's a geeky version of a candlelit dinner. The computer desk might be next. :)


I know I complain enough about Canadian weather, but it's mainly because I miss summer. It should be made clear, the weather here is just as livable as Australia. Consider life in the Australian summer:

  • You don't want to stay outside for more than a few minutes in the daytime
  • You stay inside in the nighttime because it's comfortable
  • You construct your house to cope with the temperature
  • You wear at most two layers of clothes
  • You enjoy swimming when its hot (or anytime really)

Now consider life in the Canadian winter:

  • You don't want to stay outside for more than a few minutes in the nighttime
  • You stay inside in the daytime because it's comfortable
  • You construct your house to cope with the temperature
  • You wear at least two layers of clothes
  • You enjoy skiing when its cold (or anytime really)

Dashing from one heated building to the next in Canada is no different than dashing from one cooled building to the next in Australia. In neither country would you subject yourself to the elements for very long. You wear appropriate clothing, you find shelter, and it's otherwise much the same.

G'morning Sunshine

I woke up this morning to another light snowfall. What you can't see in the photo is that it has stopped snowing, and has started raining. Snow, rain, and really low temperatures; by the time I got to work I had ice in my toque from the rain. By the time I got home the pavement had patches of ice and slush. Lovely.

PS. For those unfamiliar with the term "toque", it is not pronounced "toke", but is pronounced "took" like "Peregrin Took, hobbit of the Shire", and is otherwise known in Australia as a "beanie".

PPS. Yes, I am aware there is a rug and a girl's thong on my balcony. It has been windy recently. That is the only explanation I will offer.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sick, Tired

Caught a cold, starting Christmas Day. Still have the remnants of it. Combined with other stresses and I'm just feeling tired. So no blogs for the past week. Will start forming full sentences next week. ;)