Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Camping On The Patio

My tent from Australia was part of my recent shipment. Today I attempted to set it up on the patio. A few interesting notes...

Do not store your tent out on the balcony if you're living near the ocean. The zipper will rust to crap, and you will spend an hour with WD-40, screwdrivers, pins, and eventually a Stanley knife. In the end you'll probably rip the zipper in two, like I just did. You may also need to repair the bag, preferably with Duct tape.

The photo here doesn't do it justice, but this tent has a lot of space inside. Theoretically it has enough space to sleep 3 people. It has front and back doors, and lots of ventilation. It also has a padlock on the back door... and I'll be buggered if I know where the key for that went to... :(

Read the instructions. I had a puzzled look on my face for 10 minutes before realising how this front section was meant to be assembled. The end result is pretty good though. I'm very much looking forward to some camping this summer. :) Anyone else interested?

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