Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Arguing at Work

I've been getting into a lot of discussions/arguments at work recently. Right there's least three 'fronts':

  1. We've released a product and I'm not happy with many aspects of it
  2. We're planning our future internal projects and I'm not convinced of the need for some of them
  3. We're redesigning some core software components and there are many opinions for how they should be implemented

In all these arguments I'm finding that I'm too aggressive. I have an excuse: I've been writing code for most of my life, and I'm never satisfied with poor designs. I know I sound patronising, up-myself, etc, but it's true - I struggle to accept code that's not right. But is this acceptable for a work environment?

I've been struggling to balance this desire for "perfection" with the need for good working relationships. In recent days, I said something to the two people I work closest with, something that applies to everyone:

If I become too much of a pain-in-the-arse to work with, let me know.

It doesn't seem to be all bad though. I said to one workmate, "I know I'm too arrogant"; he replied "No, you're not arrogant, because you're happy to hear criticism of your own work". That is true - I leap at chances to have people criticise my work because I'm never sure that I've been critical enough. I worry that others don't see that at times...

I'm making an effort now to be more 'measured' and 'considered' in my arguing. I'm trying to be more constructive. I'm reflecting on my criticisms, looking for weaknesses in my arguments, and discussing them with less passion. Hope it works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, good luck.

I've been dealing with this at work myself recently and it is a right pain to do. The worst part is trying to get people who have their own agenda to not interfere when they don't have a clue.

At least now I have some experience with this situation and *hopefully* will handle it better next time.

Be thankful you have not got a 'really helpful!!!' person who is quite good in one particular area.. but doesn't have a rounded knowledge in others - not even enough to see that they are doing more harm than good.

I hope you get through this, learn something and don't pick up the aggro that can accompany it.